old paddy seeders in Sri Lanka

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This is f modification of the Indian highland seed drill. From the, seed bowl four light. G. I.
sheet  tubes  lead to a  light  headpiece. The  headpiece  is  supported on the  soil  by two boat-
shaped floats whereby the ends of the tubes are held about three inches from the soil surface.
The  handle  for  drawing the  Implement  emanates  from  the  headpiece. The  Implement  is
operated by two persons-One draws the implement while the, other follows to feed the, seed
through the seed bowl. The seed regulation depends on both operators. Mention is made of
this since it may have influenced' the development of some seeders described herein.

                                                            DE SOYSA SEEDER


The seeder consists of a rectangular sheet-metal seed box open at the top. On the floor of the
box along the seed delivery compartment are row of six holes 3/4 in. in diameter from which
six tubes lead down to a light headpiece. The ends of the tubes are fixed eight inches apart
and so as to be 3 in. from the soil surface in the operating position. The frame connecting the
headpiece to the seed box provides rigidness to the whole implement. Small pegs fixed on the
headpiece behind each tube serve to open gentle furrows along which the seed is deposited.
Guide brackets are fixed at both ends and help in following the seeded laps.
The seed box is provided with three plates with different size perforations to alter seed rate.
A  partition originating above  1/4 ins. From  the  floor  of  the  box divides  the  box into seed
container and seed in the delivery compartments. The implement is dragged backwards while
with one hand the seed in the delivery compartment is agitated. The seed passes through the
perforations  in the  plate, runs  down the  tubes  and is  deposited along the  furrows. The
efficiency of seeding is controlled by the speed of the operator and manner of agitation. With
practice the operator could develop a certain degree of skill to effect uniform seed drop.




THIS is essentially similar to Johnpulle seeder but an attempt was made to eliminate hand agitation
of the seed. The box is modified to take a wooden grooved roller with a pulley at one end.
The  headpiece  also carries  a  roller  with a  pulley at  one  end and triangular  ridges  along its

length. The two pulleys are connected with a cord belt. As the implement is dragged the roller
comes  into contact  with the  soil  and revolves  and drives  the  roller  in the  seed box thereby
regulating seed drop. There is also provision to operate the seed roller by a crank arrangement
if desired.



THIS too is similar to Johnpulle seeder and aims at simplifying the seed regulation mechanism. The
seed box carries  a  sheet  metal  screen, which regulates  the  seed flowing into the  delivery

A shaft with rubber blades runs through the seed box. The seeder is dragged and at the same
time agitation is effected by turning the crank handle of the shaft thereby feeding regulated
quantities of seed into the tubes.



IN this again as in numbers 3 and 4 the seed regulations received attention. The seed hopper
is brought closer to the headpiece and the shaft in the hopper carries wire fingers to brush the
seed into the tubes. The rotation of the shaft is effected by a spider wheel at one end which
rotates as the seeder is drawn backwards.


THIS  implement  except  for  modifications  effected in regard to direction of  movement  in
operation and seed regulation is similar to Johnpulle seeder
The headpiece in this is altered to a leveling board with furrow shoes behind which the seed
tubes  end. This  permits  the  seeder  being pushed as  the  operator  walks  forwards. The  seed
hopper carries a fitted wooden roller in the delivery compartment, which is cranked to effect
feeding of  the  tubes. A  brush cut  out  is  provided to prevent  chocking of  the  delivery
mechanism. The  lane  between the  two center  rows  is  increased to 11"  to permit  forward
movement of the operator.


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